She’s the former salon owner who became a social media superstar and the founder of two programs designed for women entrepreneurs, but Keezia Leigh is so much more than that..
Funny, irreverent, and a self-proclaimed ‘self-expression activist,’ she’s motivating others to embrace their skills along with their quirks to take the world by storm. I thoroughly enjoyed my chat with Keezia, and I know you will too.
About Keezia Leigh

Keezia Leigh is made of magic and fire. As a Business Magic Alchemist, she is a seer, and she uses her sorcery to conjure up the magic within the women she teaches. Activating their voice and enchanting them to live their full expression.
From Salon Owner to self-funded, self-grown Entrepreneur, Keezia founded Magic Mission Money and Glow Up to Blow Up her signature programs.
Her podcast Powerful women sharing powerful messages is fast becoming one of the most popular among the conscious women’s networks.
Keezia’s mission is to touch 100 million women and bring them into their fullest expression and highest alignment.
How? Well, her Soul purpose aligns with an ingrained belief that we all deserve abundance. She works with women of all races, backgrounds, and colours on a global basis to lead them to their magic and unlock their unique money, beauty, and success codes to become their most aligned, expressed self.
Voice Over (00:03):
Thanks for joining us for the Small Talk Big Ideas podcast. A podcast to enrich your soul. Where we have conversations with inspiring people about all thing’s property, business, and life. And now the host of Small Talk Big Ideas, Ian Ugarte.
Ian Ugarte (00:22):
Hey. Today on Small Talk Big Ideas we have Keezia Leigh who has followed her dream, sold her million dollar business, and helping other women achieve amazing results in businesses. Today’s podcast is a really awesome podcast, talking about all the different part of feminine, masculine, and how women are suppressed in today’s society. You can follow us on all the social media channels, and also make sure that you enjoy this podcast and other podcasts in the series too. And enjoy today and we’ll see you next time too.
Ian Ugarte (00:54):
Hey, Keezia. How are you going?
Keezia Leigh (00:55):
I’m amazing, Ian. How are you today?
Ian Ugarte (00:59):
Good. Technology and all the throws about it. I actually don’t know a huge amount about you, other than Facebook and 229 mutual friends, and watching what you’re doing over the time on Facebook, I don’t know much about you. How do you explain who you are?
Keezia Leigh (01:18):
I love that. I’m like, some people really research people before they podcast and you’re like, “Yeah, I don’t know who you are.” I’m like, “Great, that’s perfect.” I love it. I think-
Ian Ugarte (01:29):
I think, well, it’s not about not giving a fuck-
Keezia Leigh (01:30):
I know.
Ian Ugarte (01:30):
… I think it’s about not having some preconceived ideas in my head about where I want this conversation to go. I’d rather go anywhere with it. So, who are you?
Keezia Leigh (01:42):
That’s my favorite way to go, I tell you. Who am I? I am Keezia Leigh. I love how you’ve got Keezia Turner. Turner is my … I don’t know if we lost you there, but I can’t see you anymore.
Ian Ugarte (01:55):
I’m still here, [crosstalk 00:01:55] good. Yep.
Keezia Leigh (01:55):
Okay. I am a business magic alchemist, is how I call myself, and I am on a mission to awaken 100 million women into their fullest self expression.
Ian Ugarte (02:09):
So, give me a definition of alchemist?
Keezia Leigh (02:14):
To me, alchemist is about … this is my definition, it’s probably not the definition you’ll find in the fucken dictionary-
Ian Ugarte (02:20):
That’s fine.
Keezia Leigh (02:20):
… but to me alchemist is unlocking people’s magic, through magic soul essence thing they’re here to do, and actually having that come forth.
Ian Ugarte (02:29):
Keezia Leigh (02:30):
Because for me business is, anyone can make money. Anyone can make money, anyone can do business. Well, maybe not anyone, but I believe that you will get to a point, you’ll burn out, you’ll become unfulfilled, or you just fucken hate yourself. So for me, I want people to discover they have a unique expression, a unique thing that makes them beautiful. And that’s how I create people with their businesses.
Ian Ugarte (02:56):
Great. So you essentially bring out the true leader in a business, so that they can actually enjoy their business, and it may not be the business that they’re in?
Keezia Leigh (03:03):
Mm-hmm (affirmative).
Ian Ugarte (03:06):
Keezia Leigh (03:06):
Ian Ugarte (03:07):
Where did you grow up?
Keezia Leigh (03:11):
I grew up in a very small town called Ashburton, which was in the Canterbury region of New Zealand.
Ian Ugarte (03:17):
Keezia Leigh (03:18):
On a farm. Had a sheep called Sara, and we had lamb a few weeks later, so that was [inaudible 00:03:23].
Ian Ugarte (03:26):
And so you’ve grown up in New Zealand on a farm?
Keezia Leigh (03:29):
Ian Ugarte (03:30):
You don’t have a huge heavy accent, so you’ve been in Australia for a while?
Keezia Leigh (03:35):
Yep, since I was 16 and I am now 32, so half my life now.
Ian Ugarte (03:40):
Half, right. And your parents are here as well?
Keezia Leigh (03:45):
My father lives in Jindabyne, and my mother, she passed away when I was 17.
Ian Ugarte (03:51):
Right. So Jindabyne, so do you go down there a lot?
Keezia Leigh (03:54):
I’ve actually never been there. This is really bad. He’s only been there for a couple of years, but I actually haven’t had the chance to be there yet.
Ian Ugarte (04:02):
I was curious because I haven’t actually looked it up whether the snow fields have been operating or not during this time.
Keezia Leigh (04:09):
Yeah, I don’t know actually. I have spoken to him because they have a commercial cleaning business, so they clean all the apartments and all the accommodation. I know business has massively slowed down for them, it’s pretty much non-existent, but I don’t know if they’re reopening. That reminds me, I should call my dad.
Ian Ugarte (04:25):
Call your dad. Where have you spent most of the last 16 years in Australia?
Keezia Leigh (04:35):
I spent most of it in Brisbane, and then I bought a hairdressing salon when I was 22 and that was in Indooroopilly, near that area of Brisbane. So I spent a lot of time in the city, I was also living in Tenerife. And then I started traveling for about five months, lived on the Gold Coast for a year and a half, nearly two, and then I’ve been here five months, right before COVID.
Ian Ugarte (05:03):
Right. So you moved to the Sunshine Coast for love?
Keezia Leigh (05:06):
For love.
Ian Ugarte (05:08):
Keezia Leigh (05:09):
Yeah, I did. I met a man at an event and it was about two weeks before COVID happened. Met a man at an event, we just spent four days together. I have an online business so I can work from wherever and just came up here, and I was like, “Oh well, if we have to be in lockdown together,” and I just never moved out and never left.
Ian Ugarte (05:27):
[inaudible 00:05:27] and it’s working?
Keezia Leigh (05:30):
Ian Ugarte (05:31):
Yeah. So what sort of event? Was it an event you were running, or?
Keezia Leigh (05:37):
No, it’s called FreedomFest. I don’t know if you’ve heard of it?
Ian Ugarte (05:40):
Keezia Leigh (05:41):
Couple, Clint and Kristie, they do online automation, but I’m not involved in that business, but I just wanted to go, and there was some cool speakers that I love like, do you know Preston Smiles?
Ian Ugarte (05:50):
Keezia Leigh (05:52):
Yeah, so there was some cool speakers. Fun. I love a good event.
Ian Ugarte (05:58):
Yeah. I mean, being in the event space, both of us, we were talking earlier about, offline, about Anthony Robbins and it’s interesting when you go into event spaces to have a look at it from a different filter. And so for me it’s always from, how can I make my events better? How can I make my events cooler? And I tell you what, that Anthony Robbins, he puts on an event, aye?
Keezia Leigh (06:22):
You can just imagine what goes on to have that sort of event. I’m the same, I love it to see how they do things, the structure, what goes on and yeah, that is a … I mean, I’ll go to UPW again, just to dance my arse off, that’s my favorite part of the whole thing.
Ian Ugarte (06:39):
That’s what I say, it’s one of the most expensive dance party’s I’ve ever been to. Like-
Keezia Leigh (06:42):
So good.
Ian Ugarte (06:47):
We still have to drink heaps of water, we just don’t need the other bits that you normally do at a dance party. So the thing that gets me is the background. The people that he’s got there, and the songs backed up, and the phrases that are said. And as soon as someone in the crowd says a phrase, or Tony Robbins says a phrase, the sound guys at the back, bang, straight onto the … I always remember one was, he’s obviously teed it up with NLP, he’s talking to this girl about relationships and he said to her, “What would you do for love?” So he’s NLP’d her to the point where she’s said, “I’ll do anything for love.” Meatloaf straight on, it was within half a second. And not only are his sound guys really good, but what I noticed about him is his acknowledgement of them. He didn’t say anything out from his words, but he did point to them at the back of the room and said, “You guys are on it.” And on the flip side, I’ve seen Robbins actually rip them apart too.
Keezia Leigh (07:46):
Have you? Haven’t seen that.
Ian Ugarte (07:48):
Yeah. Yeah. Where was I? I was in the Florida, it was Date with Destiny in Florida where he said, “Come on guys, it’s not that hard.” And he gave them a [inaudible 00:07:58]. Yeah, but I really do love that event and how he’s put it together. And I do have a question and maybe you can answer this because you’ve been to a few of them as well, that noise, when he makes a noise-
Keezia Leigh (08:14):
[inaudible 00:08:14].
Ian Ugarte (08:14):
… he claps his hands together and it’s a really loud over-the-speaker thud? I’d love to know how they do that. Do you know what I’m talking about? It’s like-
Keezia Leigh (08:27):
Well I mean, he normally has the sticks now because he can’t … he’s totally fucked his arms.
Ian Ugarte (08:32):
Yeah, I know. I know, from fucking.
Keezia Leigh (08:33):
I don’t know.
Ian Ugarte (08:34):
But I’m not talking about that, I’m talking about, he might be in the middle of something pretty deep and he’ll clap his hands together, but it’s actually a recorded, ridiculously loud, shock-you-out-of-your-seat noise.
Keezia Leigh (08:49):
Ian Ugarte (08:50):
And I’ve never been able to work out how he does it because it’s not … it must be that someone at the back goes, “I reckon that we need to wake the crowd up.” But anyway-
Keezia Leigh (08:56):
Wake up.
Ian Ugarte (08:59):
Yeah, “Wake up, let’s do things.” So what are your-
Keezia Leigh (09:01):
Can’t tell you that, sorry.
Ian Ugarte (09:02):
Yeah, okay. That’s fine. No one has been able to tell me unless I get them and nail them down. So vegan, carnivore, how do you go?
Keezia Leigh (09:14):
I love meat. I really love meat.
Ian Ugarte (09:21):
I don’t want to go back to the Anthony Robbins thing, but I had a mate that came out of one of his events and he says, “Tony Robbins said we should be vegan and that we shouldn’t eat anything with a face.” I said, “Oh, that’s a bit of a problem isn’t it?” So I went down to the local bakery and I bought one of those cupcakes with the icing on the top, with the Smartie eyes and that-
Keezia Leigh (09:42):
With a face on it.
Ian Ugarte (09:42):
… and then I bought it back and said, “Are you not eating a face today?”
Keezia Leigh (09:45):
Ian Ugarte (09:47):
Tell me, when did you sell the hairdressing business?
Keezia Leigh (09:55):
I sold the hairdressing business just [inaudible 00:09:58] ago, [inaudible 00:9:59] ago. Yep.
Ian Ugarte (10:00):
Right. And was it-
Keezia Leigh (10:00):
Great decision.
Ian Ugarte (10:02):
Yes. So why was it a great decision?
Keezia Leigh (10:08):
I mean, I had built it, I had owned it for seven years and I just … Have you ever heard of the analogy, Kerwin Rae talks about it, it’s the feather, the brick, and the train analogy?
Ian Ugarte (10:21):
Mm-hmm (affirmative).
Keezia Leigh (10:21):
And there were some moments leading up to my life and selling where I just kept getting these little, I call them cosmic whispers now of like, “Cool, it’s time to change it up.” And I was 29, and from the outside I had a tick, wow, and my validation needs were getting greatly met, like, “Look at you Keezia, 29 and you’ve got 10 employees, and a million dollar business, and bloody fucken blah.” I barely even worked in the business anymore, but my soul was having other ideas. And I finally got the break and it was just like a … I hired a new business coach and he got me to write down, “Okay, if you could wake up and do anything you wanted for morning and night for a week,” and just all of a sudden I just got this, “You’re selling it.” I was about to spend 150K on a refurb, all the plans were done up, and just in that moment I just knew. And I think I said, “I want it sold by …” I’ve got another Tony Robbins story. That was February, I want it sold by end of financial year.
Keezia Leigh (11:30):
May, Date with Destiny, the final settlement call came, so I celebrated. It was 9:00 in the morning, but I’m dancing to Date with Destiny, like, “Yay, I just sold my salon,” at a fucken dance party with 5,000 people. So handed the keys over three days before end of financial year, so just everything was just magic.
Ian Ugarte (11:49):
That was awesome. Because spending 150 almost ties you into the business for another period of time?
Keezia Leigh (11:56):
Ian Ugarte (11:57):
Keezia Leigh (11:57):
Especially with my thoughts then. Back then that was a huge amount. I mean, not that it’s not a huge amount of money now, but I didn’t fully have the capacity even now of what I have, and study around wealth and what’s possible.
Ian Ugarte (12:10):
Yeah. And so with that done, the business done, how did you know what your next direction was going to be?
Keezia Leigh (12:20):
I didn’t.
Ian Ugarte (12:21):
So how did you fall into it? How did you follow into it?
Keezia Leigh (12:28):
I just committed. Even leading up to everyone’s like, “What are you going to do now?” I’m like, “I don’t know. I’ve been working since I was 16 as a hairdresser, I just want to have a break.” And just went overseas. I actually ended up … another Tony Robbins story … meeting a girl at Date with Destiny and her and I moved into this beautiful space in Currumbin, when I came back from traveling. And just, this cultivated this community. We started this thing called Conscious Leaders. I don’t know if you’ve ever heard of it?
Ian Ugarte (12:59):
Mm-hmm (affirmative).
Keezia Leigh (13:01):
It was huge for about a year down the Gold Coast. The most people we had was 150 at a fortnightly event. It started out in my lounge room, so that really … I knew that I wanted to help people. I knew that I wanted to do something different, but I didn’t know. Was I going to be a life coach? Was I going to be this or … I had no idea. So I just kept following the threads of the magic and yeah, now yeah, I call myself the Business Coach Self Expression, just kept trusting.
Ian Ugarte (13:36):
Yeah. So you mention Kerwin Rae, I’ve actually put all my team through his stuff-
Keezia Leigh (13:42):
[inaudible 00:13:42] amazing.
Ian Ugarte (13:45):
I believe that he’s only ever worked one-on-one in the last 10 years with two people, and he did that with us last year, and his whole team looked into our business and made a huge change to our business and direction, whatever. And thankfully when COVID hit, so we’ve actually had an increase in business and we’ve had to employ more people during this time, so it’s been really awesome for us. For you, you’ve concentrated on women, or do you work with men as well?
Keezia Leigh (14:18):
Yep. No.
Ian Ugarte (14:20):
Tell me about that because this is an interesting point for me. I’ve got a relatively high feminine energy, and if we were at a party and the boys went off to talk in the garage, and the women went off and talked into wherever, I’m generalizing and putting people into-
Keezia Leigh (14:38):
Ian Ugarte (14:38):
… pigeon holes. They’re off in the kitchen and talking, or in the lounge and talking, I would much prefer the talk with the females than the males.
Keezia Leigh (14:47):
The women.
Ian Ugarte (14:53):
Firstly, let me ask you this, do you think you’re minimizing your marketplace by only working with women?
Keezia Leigh (15:04):
Potentially. I didn’t initially have that intention, but it just seemed they were the ones that kept coming to me. It could change, I’m not saying that it won’t, but I’m just obsessed with women. Because I’m a business coach, I believe that women are a whole different species. We’re totally different. So I feel it could be quite challenging for me to coach a man when I don’t fully understand your biology. A lot of my work is around understanding that women need more rest. That women are actually very receptive, so I don’t encourage my clients to, yes, it’s important to do the action. I actually encourage them to have more downtime and more connection, and … So yeah, I just, for right now, I just love working with women and I feel like I wouldn’t be doing men a service working with them in my line of work.
Ian Ugarte (16:09):
Yeah, and that’s fair enough because obviously a successful business woman yourself. The question that I’d have there then that raises for me is that women have been looking for equality in the workplace, and you’ve just suggested that women are very different physically to men. What’s your take on that? I mean, is there ever going to be the equality that is being sought in the workplace? Deep.
Keezia Leigh (16:33):
Such a good question, I’m like, “Oh.” I love that you know nothing about me, I’m like, “This is totally different to any podcast I’ve done.” I mean, regardless of the workplace, I feel like we should celebrate our differences. My personal opinion is that, I wouldn’t call myself a feminist in any way, shape or form, and I deeply love men, and am devoted to men, and their healing, and their growth. That’s such a plus for me because I see all the stuff. But I think this whole feminine movement’s gone maybe too much this way, I’m like, “I don’t think we should fight to be the same, to be equal.”` I believe that some men are a lot better in different roles than women are. Like, I’m going to be totally different at a role, and totally better at you, but what you can probably do is far more than I could do. Like, I can’t build shit, I can’t … I don’t really like numbers. I know them, I know the numbers in my business, but it’s not my genius. I’m fully creative and fully magical. And I believe a lot of women were creators.
Ian Ugarte (17:50):
It seems we may have a similar viewpoint because there are certain strength in [inaudible 00:17:54]. Like this business essentially is run, like our businesses, my wife and I, she’s really the runner of the business. She’s the structure, the putting it together. Although that’s not a feminine energy, she’s learnt how to do that. And I did a lot of time in TAFE New South Wales, I was 3IC of the largest training organization of the southern hemisphere and we had, at the time that was the 3IC, we had probably 70% of our management team were, including the director, were female. But such a high masculine energy. And I think they had this, like if you dealt with the trade area of TAFE, these women would go in and go hard. And their thought process was, “Well, on job sites, people must talk to each other really badly, and must punch each other in the head, so that’s the sort of attitude I’m going to take.” And it really went down quite poorly in those circumstances.
Ian Ugarte (18:59):
And so then that leads to the next question, do you see … And so this is probably a generalization, but we see that there’s a lot of females in corporate jobs that hold a lot of masculine energy to hold those jobs, and then find it very difficult to fall pregnant. Do you work with women in that area as well? Has it ever come up for you?
Keezia Leigh (19:23):
I don’t know if there’s one specific person. Good question. So part of my message is like, I believe that women can have it all. It’s like, “Cool, you can be the mum, and you can be the philanthropist, and you can be the multi-billion dollar business owner.” I will say this, that I do believe that if women are trying to … and just showing up again and again, and are just not putting their self care first, not putting relationships first, not … and I do believe they will get burnt out. Our physiology is different to a man. Men can just keep going, and keep going, and keep … They’re very like, purpose, focus, where for us we love creativity. The thing that I’m journeying is that I can actually create more abundance working less, and that’s how I support my clients is like, actually, it’s not about working hard, it’s about being in your magnetism, and the more magic that I do, and more magnetism and radiance I have, the more money and opportunities just come into my space.
Keezia Leigh (20:41):
So I believe that women in the workplace are potentially trying to play a game that is hurting their physiology and their happiness. Everyone that I coach in business, I’m like, “I can tell you the strategy to get here, but what actually fucken matters to you?” Because we just keep going, like “Here we go. I’m an accountant. I’m a lawyer. But here I am, 36 and I’m still single, and I don’t even know who I am and I’m just …” What matters to me is sunshine, and nature, and relationships, and creation.
Ian Ugarte (21:18):
Yeah, that makes a lot of sense. That sometimes that focus of what your preconceived ideas or what your parents have drummed into you is what’s stopped, not just females, but everyone. What do you really want to do when you wake up every morning? And I suppose, that’s what your business is all about. What do you really want to do when you wake up every morning? And so, you’re living the dream?
Keezia Leigh (21:45):
Living the dream.
Ian Ugarte (21:48):
You’ve got a poster on your wall-
Keezia Leigh (21:48):
Living the absolute dream.
Ian Ugarte (21:50):
You’ve got a poster on the door behind you that says, “Beginning, middle, end.” What’s going on there? [crosstalk 00:21:55].
Keezia Leigh (21:54):
Oh, I don’t know. It’s my partner’s office.
Ian Ugarte (21:58):
Over your right shoulder-
Keezia Leigh (21:59):
This is all his-
Ian Ugarte (22:00):
.. he’s got love hearts there at the beginning and the middle. Anyway, the end’s got love too.
Keezia Leigh (22:06):
Oh, I don’t know. This is before my time. I do have a beautiful content wall, but I was like, “Oh it’s a podcast, I might not be filmed.”
Ian Ugarte (22:11):
Yeah, it’ll be fine.
Keezia Leigh (22:11):
Ian Ugarte (22:11):
Yeah. Nah. Those people that are listening, got no idea, especially those arrows in the background that you go out and-
Keezia Leigh (22:19):
I know, it’s just … I was like, “If Ian asks me any inappropriate questions, I’ll just-
Ian Ugarte (22:22):
Pull the plug. Yeah, that’s fine.
Keezia Leigh (22:23):
Nah, you can’t ask inappropriate questions.
Ian Ugarte (22:25):
There’s a funny story in here … oh, I don’t know if I should tell it in a podcast. We’ve got a Don Burke file in our office that is, if something inappropriate gets said, then it gets put into the Don Burke file to be brought up 30 years later. But-
Keezia Leigh (22:43):
That’s classic.
Ian Ugarte (22:45):
… really shouldn’t be saying that publicly but it’s been said now. So tell me, I’m obviously a property person, did you own the property the salon was in?
Keezia Leigh (22:58):
I didn’t own the property, no.
Ian Ugarte (23:00):
In hindsight, would you have bought it knowing what you know?
Keezia Leigh (23:05):
It was owned by a big company, so there was not even an opportunity to.
Ian Ugarte (23:10):
Yeah. Right.
Keezia Leigh (23:11):
Yeah, I mean, potentially but it wasn’t even in my vortex. Yeah.
Ian Ugarte (23:17):
Yep. So have you bought before? Do you own anything? Do you [crosstalk 00:23:21]?
Keezia Leigh (23:21):
No. No.
Ian Ugarte (23:22):
Okay. And what’s your view on it? You should or shouldn’t own stuff?
Keezia Leigh (23:28):
I totally think you should. I mean, I’m at the point now in my business journey, focusing on building my personal brand is really huge for me. But wealth diversity is something that I’m learning and meeting people, and I always have this intention people will just come into my life and they’ll just be able to show me. So I’m definitely looking at if I go into property, it’ll be from an investment angle, not potentially to rent. I mean, not to live in, but to rent.
Ian Ugarte (24:00):
The universe [crosstalk 00:24:01].
Keezia Leigh (24:00):
To invest.
Ian Ugarte (24:02):
The universe has brought us together, see? They’ve bought me into your life, Keezia.
Keezia Leigh (24:05):
See? See?
Ian Ugarte (24:05):
Yeah, I know.
Keezia Leigh (24:07):
Are you going to pitch me? I hope so.
Ian Ugarte (24:11):
I’ll pitch you. You were saying before about, less work, more abundance, and so one of our businesses is called Small is the New Big, and I’ve got a mate of mine who’s a very successful property investor and he always says to me … Like, I work long hours and hard hours, and that’s probably a work ethic drummed into me by my family. But he always says to me, always looks at me and says, “Mate, less is the new more. Less is the new more.” And that’s that same message you were talking about. So without knowing anything, not knowing where you would invest, what would you think you would be going for? So, I ask this question from the basis of what you do or don’t know, what do you think would be a good investment as a property investor?
Keezia Leigh (25:02):
As a property investor?
Ian Ugarte (25:03):
Mm-hmm (affirmative).
Keezia Leigh (25:04):
Specifically in property?
Ian Ugarte (25:06):
If you had the opportunity to go out and invest in property right now, within limits, let’s say, five, six, $700,000, what would you buy?
Keezia Leigh (25:15):
I have no idea. I don’t even know, I have no idea of property investment.
Ian Ugarte (25:24):
Keezia Leigh (25:24):
I’m hoping you’ll tell me.
Ian Ugarte (25:25):
All right. Because I sometimes-
Keezia Leigh (25:27):
What would I buy?
Ian Ugarte (25:28):
What would you buy? Huh-
Keezia Leigh (25:29):
Ian Ugarte (25:29):
… well, it’s quite easy, you’d simply … Well, it depends on what your outcome wants, but if you want cashflow and growth, well you’d look around Australia and you’d go, “Where is Australia doing …?” I’ve been pushing regional Australia for a long time. Gold Coast is still considered to be regional-
Keezia Leigh (25:46):
Ian Ugarte (25:46):
… and so is the Sunshine Coast. Ridiculous with the … I think regional, you can quite easily work out regional on how much copper wire the NBN is running, how bad your wifi connection is. But look, I certainly have been pushing regional areas for the last 18 months. I actually featured in an article today which also had the figures to back that up, that if you’d bought 18 months ago in regional, you would have had a 10 time increase as a percentage growth compared to Sydney and Melbourne-
Keezia Leigh (26:19):
Ian Ugarte (26:19):
… in the last 18 months. So I think that you would probably go and buy … I’m always about manufacturing, or manual growth in properties. Capital growth you can’t say that you’ve got the crystal ball because you don’t. So if you can manually grow the property’s value, then you’d want to do something where you buy a property, whether you subdivide then go on further and that property then become micro-apartments within itself, you’d end up with probably all your money back, all your cash back in your pocket after you refinance at the back end. And you’d probably get, like if you took a Gold Coast deal, you’d probably end up with all your money back and a loan at 80%, so you’ve increased the equity by 20%, and cashflow of about 30K after costs. So you’re talking, five, $600 a week in your pocket from the right investment. So anyway, that’s free. But if you want to know more-
Keezia Leigh (27:12):
You’re really selling me. Here’s-
Ian Ugarte (27:13):
Yeah. If you want to know more-
Keezia Leigh (27:14):
It’s very smart.
Ian Ugarte (27:16):
… please go to my website smallis … I’d run the free seminar and people would always go, “Oh look, could you tell me what the next best suburb to buy is? Where’s the next hot spot?” And I actually registered the domain … So I would say to them, “I’ve got an awesome website that’ll tell you exactly where you should be buying next,” and they’d all get their pens ready. And I’d actually registered the domain name,
Keezia Leigh (27:44):
Stop it.
Ian Ugarte (27:47):
… and I just never … There were two mistakes, I never got the landing page set up, and the second part of it was that my grammar is shocking, right? So I went through a period of school where grammar wasn’t important, so whenever I write something I put in front of my wife Christine who fixes all the grammar. But I registered, as in Y-O-U-R, not Y-O-U apostrophe R-E, so I failed on my grammar. But anyway, let’s get-
Keezia Leigh (28:15):
I don’t believe grammar’s necessary. I never re-read my … I have had bulk messages like, “Do you intentionally do grammar wrong to trigger people?” I was like, “Why the fuck would I even think about that?”
Ian Ugarte (28:30):
It’s actually a technique that marketer’s use, and I know probably one of the … This guy would be one of the biggest property marketers as far as education in the country and he purposely does it. He actually does it on purpose because it triggers and it gets their ideas-
Keezia Leigh (28:50):
In their head.
Ian Ugarte (28:50):
… in people’s minds, and it’s done. But I tell you what, it’s one of those bone of contentions for me. I get absolutely slaughtered on social media. People just take me to task because, “Oh, how dare you-“
Keezia Leigh (29:03):
Really? What for?
Ian Ugarte (29:05):
Yeah. Oh, because I’m actually getting more cashflow out of a standard house, and I’m taking family homes away. But I can explain all of that and how we’re actually helping the market, and we’re fixing the market, but that doesn’t stop people’s initial preconceptions of it. So, what were we just talking about? So we were talking about-
Keezia Leigh (29:23):
Grammar and [crosstalk 00:29:25].
Ian Ugarte (29:24):
… getting hammered, and the grammar. Oh my god, people, “Oh, there’s a grammar mistake in there, how could you possibly trust a company that has grammatical errors in their …” You go, “Are you serious? Is that really the precursor of trusting someone, their grammar? They could be a serial rapist, but as long as they can be grammatically correct-
Keezia Leigh (29:45):
Ian Ugarte (29:46):
… I can trust them?” Oh my god, just it goes anywhere.
Keezia Leigh (29:50):
This is what I’m so passionate about, is human-led business because … I was meant to run an event, so I organized a 100-person event to be next weekend, but on Friday I found out that the Queensland Government had bought in new laws. And the new laws were saying, you could still have 100 people in a room, but basically, you weren’t allowed to stand up, so you had to be sitting the whole time. So there was to be no standing, no expression, no movement, and my event is called 100 Million Fully Self Expressed Women … aah, Unlock your Fully Expressed Women. I’ve totally lost my train of thought after that.
Ian Ugarte (30:28):
Okay. [crosstalk 00:30:30]-
Keezia Leigh (30:29):
Unlock your Fully Expressed Women. Yeah, what were we talking about before that?
Ian Ugarte (30:36):
Yeah, so we were talking about the grammatical errors and how people were picking up on crap.
Keezia Leigh (30:44):
Human-led business. Yeah, so I had to make the decision two days ago to cancel this event, and because I just can’t have an event where people aren’t in their expression. I put an email out and just, I was really just honest and vulnerable. I actually hate doing this because I feel like I’ve let people down. People were coming from Sydney, and people were coming from … And this is my choice. And just the response of like, “Oh, it’s actually really nice to be received when people just tell the truth.” People can be so, “You’re an awful human because …” Do you know what I hate? There’s this tight brand, this workout gear that I follow. I love their workout gear and they get heaps of comments, and I just see these people just like, “You haven’t got back to me, your delivery. You haven’t done this. You’re a bad person.” And I’m like, “Where is the human-ness in all of this?”
Ian Ugarte (31:51):
Yep. You know, they’re first world problems that come about for people because they’re all on such demand. They’re on click a button and get it now, and they just don’t take the ability to look at the fact that behind all of these businesses are true people. And that true people that have issues with their children, have issues with their life, have happiness, have unhappiness, have sadness. And one thing that I’ve noted is what you’ve said, people just want to see honest. They just want honesty. And Aaron actually put a pice of micro-content out, what was it? It was last Thursday we ran a free webinar and a comment came up, “Oh, I thought this was a live event and it’s pre-recorded.” And so I saw it and it was a live event, and I don’t need to bullshit, if I’m running a live event, I’m running a live event. I don’t have to bullshit about a pre-record.
Ian Ugarte (32:45):
So I called him out and he goes, “Oh, I’m sorry,” and then someone else says, [inaudible 00:32:48] and I ended up having to do a roly-poly on the lounge behind me because someone asked me to do it. And people just want that, that’s what they want. They want to see people in their vulnerable truth. I think some of the biggest micro-content that’s done a lot of heavy hitting in the marketplace, so people to see who we really are, has been those times of lowness for me. You know?
Keezia Leigh (33:15):
Mm-hmm (affirmative).
Ian Ugarte (33:16):
And I’ll quickly tell you a story. We’ve just finished building and moved into a new house, and I’d had a what I call a historical argument with Christine, so her parenting style and my parenting style, and it’s been going for the last 20-something years where we talk about how she’s doing it wrong and I’m doing it wrong. And so I had the shits and I went down and I picked up a glass pane for the shower screen which is pretty big. It was about 50 kilos worth, maybe 60 kilos worth, and I should’ve had someone else helping me. And it was toughened glass so as soon as a corner hit the edge on the floor, it actually shattered above my head. Cut me open with small cuts all over the place, and I was shattered. I was in shock for the day.
Keezia Leigh (33:59):
Ian Ugarte (34:00):
I realized that at 8:00 or 9:00 at night, that I hadn’t said a word to anyone all day, other than Darren when he saw me straight afterwards, and Darren saw that I was a little bit white in the face. So I just, in my vulnerability, just put something out on, to a group on Facebook and said, “I think it’s time we actually show some gratitude for each other. And pick someone else in this group and tell us why you’re grateful for them and why, why them.” And it was just really beautiful, and the outcomes from that was pretty awesome. I know I’m talking a lot here on podcast where I’m interviewing you, but I just wanted … things keep on coming up for me. China, when you do business in China, you sit around a table and you have a glass of wine, whiskey, scotch, whatever it is. Someone will stand up and hold the glass up, and they’ll pick someone around the table and they say-
Keezia Leigh (35:02):
That’s fine.
Ian Ugarte (35:02):
… “I really enjoy being part of your life, and these are the reasons that it’s good to be part of your life and be doing business with you.” And then you have to scull. And it doesn’t matter how much you’ve got in the glass, they then top it up, and it goes around and around the table. So yeah, it’s pretty amazing. It’s hard to do business if you don’t drink though, over there.
Keezia Leigh (35:25):
Yeah, human-led business, it’s the way forward. And honestly, for myself and my business, the more human I am in my leadership, on my group programs, on my all of that, honestly, the more I attract the right audience, the more that … I mean, people and women are like, “Oh, it actually gives me permission. You know, it gives me permission.” And two of my favorite people in the world are Brene Brown and Glennon Doyle, and they talk a lot about women and expression, and just showing up as yourself. And honestly, I believe it’s the key and it’s the key for compassion. I think I’m so strong about women because I believe the world, our governments, and needs so much more compassion. They need to understand that there’s human beings, not just fucken money. I love money. I love money, don’t get me wrong, I’m just like, “Something’s got to change.” And that’s why I believe women are really stepping into their leadership right now, on this time on earth.
Ian Ugarte (36:26):
Brene Brown is a hero of mine. She changed my life.
Keezia Leigh (36:30):
Ian Ugarte (36:31):
And it was the man in the arena quote.
Keezia Leigh (36:33):
Oh, so good.
Ian Ugarte (36:34):
And social media used to drag me down like crazy. And I now just simply go to people and I say, “You can hammer me all you want. You can tell me I’m a capitalist, that I’m greedy, that I’m all the rest of it, but I’m here trying to fix a housing problem because housing’s unaffordable in this country and I’m having a crack. So tell me, what are you doing? Are you coming down and helping me, or are you going to stand up in the stand and watch me do it, and watch me fail?” But at the same chance, I’ve got the chance to succeed because I’m down here in the arena. And that changed all my viewpoints on that. And then when she starts talking about sympathy and empathy, and that catalyst of how can you actually help people, which is what you’re doing, you’re being completely empathetic in your business to those women.
Keezia Leigh (37:24):
Ian Ugarte (37:25):
One thing I’ll notice actually, because I don’t just jump into these things, I do do some research. I did get into Facebook and I scrolled through all your photos. And in the vulnerability of, there’s a lot of women you’ve empowered to show who they are, what they are in the body form that they’re in. And that’s extreme empowerment for women.
Keezia Leigh (37:46):
Yeah. The, this is me, post? Yeah, I think-
Ian Ugarte (37:49):
Oh, yeah. That’s it.
Keezia Leigh (37:51):
Yep. I-
Ian Ugarte (37:52):
Tell it.
Keezia Leigh (37:54):
What do you want to know?
Ian Ugarte (37:56):
Yeah, tell us. I mean, that’s for some women one of their greatest fears.
Keezia Leigh (38:02):
Yep. So I like to hunt out where our shame lives and pull it out. On the levels of consciousness, [inaudible 00:38:12] David R. Hawkins, neutrality is in the middle, and then joy is at the top, and you’ve got shame at the bottom. So if there is any shame living in your system, your abundance … Like, I believe that as humans we have this energetic pipe, and if you have kinks in your pipe, you’ll have kinks in your abundance and your flow. So I like to hunt out shame. This is why I’m so passionate about women. But women, you look back and you think about, women have shame around their sexuality. You scroll through Instagram, I mean, you only have to follow these people and you see it on news, and it’s like, “Have the perfect body. Just give your pussy away to anyone and a man’s going to love you.” Women are getting fillers all in their face. You watch any sort of porn which young girls are … and it’s like, have the perfect boobs, and the perfect body, and the perfect this, perfect, perfect, perfect, perfect.
Keezia Leigh (39:10):
So women are hiding. Hiding their bodies, hiding their expression, hiding their joy because they believe they have to be perfect. They have to be the good wife, the good this, the good that, good, good, good, good.
Ian Ugarte (39:22):
Keezia Leigh (39:23):
And so I just love, if you can unlock and fully own … Things that set myself free was at 21 I got on a … I think it was a few years ago, I thought I’d come out clean about everything, but there was one thing and it was when I was 21 I contracted herpes. And this thing that has so much stigma, which is one in four people have it, no one talks about it. So it’s more shame around your sexuality. I’m not good enough. I’m not worthy. From my journey of letting all that shame go, like, “Yep, I used to get drunk. I used to hook up with lots of people. I used to do all this shit. I used to binge eat.” If you can just be like, “This is who I am.” And actually, when I fully did that, that’s when the man of my dreams came into my life. That’s when the business of my dreams came into my life because I’m like, “I am … Humans are… We are disgusting. We can be cruel. We are the dark and the light.”
Ian Ugarte (40:18):
Yep, [inaudible 00:40:19].
Keezia Leigh (40:19):
And once you own that, you are unstoppable.
Ian Ugarte (40:22):
And women particularly are suppressed in that too. Because the story that comes to mind from the sexuality point of view is that Christine and I have done a couple of … a three-day and a five-day intensive with David Deida and, I don’t know if you know who [crosstalk 00:40:38].
Keezia Leigh (40:38):
Oh, so good.
Ian Ugarte (40:40):
I’ll tell you what, talk about uncomfortable. That’s really ridiculously uncomfortable. You’ve got a closed group 14, or 28 people, half of them were couples, and David separated the men and the women and they said, “Go away and come back with your ultimate sexual fantasy.” And David Deida said, “And men, don’t be surprised when you come back.” And so we went off and one guy started and he said, “You know, well, I’m going through the Amazon jungle and I come across a tribe where there’s no women and I go fuck her, and I do that to her, and I bend her over a tree and all of that.” He went into extreme detail, so I held back a little bit because I thought, “I don’t want to go too hard because maybe sexually I think about things differently and harder than others.” He goes, “Yeah, that’s vivid detail. I’ve thought about this a lot.”
Ian Ugarte (41:45):
And then this second guy comes in, right? This second guy comes in who’s, I think he’s from Finland or something like that. Beard, massive bloke. He goes, “I love that, I really love that,” in his accent, “I love that, I really love it. Can we add four transsexuals and one of them …” And I won’t go into the detail about what he said about the transsexuals, and I went, “Oh, I think I’m okay. I can talk now because he’s lifted the bar a little bit.” Anyway, we came back into the room and the female version of their ultimate sexual fantasy was, “Holy fuck, are you serious?” It was gory, and head chopping, and I was just completely flabbergasted. But in saying that, that’s women have actually had that … They were in a safe space to be able to tell people how they really thought. And David Deida’s brilliant in allowing people to say what they want to say in their safe space. So you are right, that there is some suppression of what’s happening, and expectations around women nowadays. You said 100 million women-
Keezia Leigh (42:53):
Ian Ugarte (42:55):
… so that’s just [crosstalk 00:42:55].
Keezia Leigh (42:56):
I know it’s a lot.
Ian Ugarte (42:57):
That’s a big hairy audacious goal.
Keezia Leigh (42:58):
Ian Ugarte (42:59):
Have you tracked that back and how long that would take?
Keezia Leigh (43:04):
In my last organizational strategy, we were like, “How do we measure that?” So yeah, we’re feeling a little bit challenged about how that can be measured. Yeah. But I’m going to maybe not track at all, but I’m on the way.
Ian Ugarte (43:25):
Fair enough.
Keezia Leigh (43:25):
We just say the number.
Ian Ugarte (43:27):
What would you say to any woman right now that’s listening to you, and you could say whatever you liked to them?
Keezia Leigh (43:37):
That the first step is courage. The first step is always courage. And that even though it might seem like you have no other option or no other way, that you’ve just got to put one foot in front of the other and take the step into the life and the dream that you want. To leave the relationship. To change your jobs. To ask for a raise. And that courage then becomes a lot easier.
Ian Ugarte (44:03):
That’s awesome. Thank you, Keezia, for being part of this podcast, and I do believe I know you much better now than when we first started.
Keezia Leigh (44:11):
Yay, me too. I loved it.
Ian Ugarte (44:15):
See ya.
Ian Ugarte (44:16):
So I hope you enjoyed Keezia Leigh. You can follow her on Facebook and all over the place if you’re a woman that wants to be empowered. As always, you can subscribe to our podcast and follow us on That’s ian See you next time.
Voice Over (44:37):
Thanks for tuning in to the Small Talk Big Ideas podcast. We hope we’ve succeeded in our goal to inspire and challenge you, and we look forward to catching you on the next episode of Small Talk Big Ideas with Ian Ugarte.