Media Commentary

When designing the layout of a small space there are a few rules a property owner must follow to ensure the space is not just loveable, but liveable, according to a recognised housing affordability expert. Ian Ugarte maintains that a smart design layout will always determine the quality of the experience a tenant will have
‘Forever Renters’ are on the rise and it’s a trend that’s set to continue according to a leading housing affordability expert who warns millennials that relying on the ‘bank of mum and dad’ may no longer an option when it comes to entering the housing market. While some young people may have their family’s financial
A housing affordability expert is alarmed with millennials’ love affair with ‘buy now, pay later’ arrangements and warns it could stop banks from approving their home loans in the future. “With housing affordability reaching crisis levels nationally, being knocked back for finance to secure a home you could otherwise afford is heartbreaking,” Ian Ugarte said.
A housing affordability expert has urged homeowners to rethink building a ‘granny flat’ if they’re keen for some extra rental income during these financially stressful times. “With the June vacancy for rentals hitting an all-time low, many homeowners who seek to capitalise on the lack of rentals and at the same time boost their already
Wacky wallpaper. Feature walls. Wacky wallpaper on feature walls. While necessary to dazzle celebrity judges and keep viewers tuning in, an expert warns that for average mum and dad property owners, renovating to include these creative flourishes is more likely to decrease the asking price of a typical property. “While the glut of reality programs
In response to your article in the Sunshine Coast Daily: “Guru urges compulsory acquisitions along transit corridor”. While I support Matthew Gross’ recognition of the value of public/private partnerships to deliver a quality end product for the Sunshine Coast community, I strongly object to the suggested solution of compulsorily acquiring 20-30 homes to create 200-300
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