Ever since I started Small Is the New Big, I’ve been passionate about fixing our housing market. I’ve helped hundreds of investors break free from the norm and take a different approach to their endeavours. An approach that actually works, that is.
Every morning, I wake up knowing that what we do is going to help change someone’s life for the better.
I’ve seen investors double their income by halving their home. I’ve seen them achieve their financial dreams and build an ever-expanding portfolio.
But it’s about so much more than this. By using the right strategy, investors aren’t only helping themselves. Instead, everyone that has anything to do with their investment stands to benefit.
Right now. There are 12 million empty rooms in Australia. That’s almost half of our entire population. And yet, 80% of those looking for a home can’t find one. They would either have to put themselves under a ton of stress to cover the rent, or it’d require them to move to an area that they don’t want to live in.
But do you know what’s even worse? 116,000 Australians sleep on the streets every night despite the 12 million unoccupied rooms.
This is what I’m fighting against. I’m so glad to see that there are many investors who have wised up and want to do the same. So far, many HI-RES students have learned how to impact the market in a positive way and profit at the same time.
They give people a chance to pay half or even a third of the rent that they’re paying now and live in a nice home in a nice area.
This is a strategy where there are no losers. We’re on a mission to provide homes for the millions of Australians who are struggling.
And you can help make this happen.
I’d be more than happy to show you. Come see me on stage and join like minded people who are contributing to the housing market. Sounds like a plan?
Just click here to sign up for our FREE live event.